In Control

>> Saturday, April 11, 2009

“Why don’t you talk to me?” Pilate demanded. “Don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or crucify you?” Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above.”
John 19:10-11

It’s a battle of the wills.
Mom and Dad have set a curfew. The teenager balks.
“But, you guys don’t understand! The party doesn’t even start ‘til after ten, and everyone will be there. I’m going, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me! I’ll be back when I’m back.”

Bam. The car keys are confiscated, and the curfew has turned into a grounding.

This scenario might have ended differently if our teenager had had a healthier respect for authority and an appreciation for her boundaries.

At the time of Roman rule in Jerusalem, Pilate’s overall duty was to keep the peace. From Pilate’s perspective, the push to crucify Jesus was just another power play by the Jews that challenged his authority. Searching for solid evidence to release Jesus and thus to show his authority over the Jews, Pilate asked Jesus, “Why don’t you talk to me? Don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or crucify you?”

Imagine Pilate’s surprise when he heard Jesus say, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above.” After this discussion, Pilate and Jesus had an understanding; Pilate was not in charge. Any course of action Pilate chose to take would inevitably end in Jesus’ death on the cross.

Unwittingly, Pilate played a critical role in the fulfillment of an eternal plan to save all of mankind from sin, death, and eternal separation from God. The only real choice Pilate had was personal. Would he hear and believe the words of Jesus or not?

Over a lifetime, we will make many critical choices, some that may change the course of our lives. One of our principal challenges as parents is to teach our kids that choices matter. But we must also let them know who’s really in control

Despite all the power and authority we believe we possess, we really only possess what God has given. We control only what God allows us to control. In truth, the most important choices we will make in life are the personal ones. Will we hear and believe the words of Jesus? Will we follow his calling? If we choose to hear, to follow, and to obey, we will find ourselves living under the authority of a loving God. We will realize that we can trust his judgment. We will find rest in his wisdom and joy in his guidance.


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